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This Invention: A Family Content Network

A journal, information and resources for establishing a Family Content Network, as I am doing - essentially a framework for managing all your Family's online assets and inventions for maximum exposure and revenue. This blog began as an inventor's journal, and retains the overall parent inventor's context and mindset.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

(21) Ready to prototype

Ready to prototype - apparently there's just a few more holes to design in the product, and I want these holes to be dual-purpose (everything on the the invention is utilitarian, dual-purpose, multi-use). The holes will allow water to drain, as well as provide an attachment/stabilization point for particular accessories I have in mind. I'm looking forward to the "Phase 1" bill from the designer; he's actually done a lot more than originally planned, and will continue to help - first by soliciting bids from a couple of different prototype makers to actually create the first prototypes (both 3-D printing and actual casts). Hopefully we can get a prototype done by mid-February; have no idea how long the lead times might be.

There's certainly been a lot of converging activities in my family as of late, consuming all our time (I really don't know how people spend their time playing fantasy football!). It's turning out (1) our kids are smarter than the average bear in the woods, (2) the public elementary school is decent but only providing a great learning experience for the middle of the "bell curve", and (3) having visited a 'school for the gifted' close by, it's immediately apparent that we need our children to go to that school. They simply get 4 times as much done each day as the kids in the public school. Plus, "60 Minutes" says American children begin to get irreparably stupid, in public schools, past the 4th grade. Lots to consider, especially when the private school is $24K a year! Need to accelerate the $ales portion of this little invention exeriment, and stop all the careful thinking and investing. Sell, sell, sell, and hope I don't get sued.

As it's become apparent our elementary children need enrichment, we've stepped up the "Whizkids" business (www.whizkidsllc.com) my wife and her neighbor started, to supplement the learning experience of Kindergartners with computer-based learning. The classes teach computer usage, Internet Security and Privacy, online researching, etc., with a curriculum based on the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) guidance. So my part has been all around LAN administrator (of the in-home computer classroom), and web master. I'm a computer shepherd, now, although the benefit is an early start on having a total in-home computer classroom set up for our own children, with all appropriate content filters and security controls. The website is a simple affair, but it will eventually be also the basis for this invention's website, and there's certainly going to be cross-selling opportunities, as my invention is targeted at children and their parents, as is Whizkids.


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