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This Invention: A Family Content Network

A journal, information and resources for establishing a Family Content Network, as I am doing - essentially a framework for managing all your Family's online assets and inventions for maximum exposure and revenue. This blog began as an inventor's journal, and retains the overall parent inventor's context and mindset.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

(19) Entirely Random

...was the first comment/post to this blog. Received a comment from a Park Ranger in Richmond "davidingals6924" that he read the blog, and referenced his own "juicyfruiter.blogspot.com". Funny it's from Richmond, very near where I live. Also coincidental is the Park Ranger part; just yesterday I was discussing with my wife when we would exercise our new GPS receiver and go "Geocaching" (a treasure hunting game for the whole family, at geocaching.com!), and whether Park Rangers ever got involved. I actually think my invention might be an interesting future 'treasure' in itself, in a cache we eventually place. It certainly would be useful for many families who participate in this activity.

I suppose this randomness will continue, until the blog starts centering around the actual invention and the specific keywords, therefore becoming a set of categories of particular interest to particular people. Right now, it's little more than a fragile, surreptitious plotline in journal format with many incomplete story threads branching off; perhaps only interesting to those just like me, i.e. novice "Dad" inventors pursuing the first invention. For those people, however, it's certainly yet another real-life example of the process and its successes/failures. Maybe I'll start posting some pictures.

This month's "freshpatents" list came out, and is getting very scary. It's entirely amazing how much inventing is occuring (or at least being published by the USPTO) in my related fields (including the term 'wheels'), and each time this list comes out, I'm really anxious that I might find my invention listed. So far, so good - but it just goes to show how active the inventor community is.

I started examining the options ahead of me for online selling, including Ebay stores. It's utterly mindboggling how many stores exist in the forum, and how many people are making money by this simple medium, simple markups, and good customer service. Will have to draw up a pros/cons list of the various retailing approaches, starting with my own website. Perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself, but I still think the invention will sell.


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