(10) Patent Filing Underway
Meanwhile, the 5 individual parts of the invention are beginning to slowly converge; a few hopefully get shipped to me this week to inspect/test, and a couple should hopefully be ready to 'rapid-prototype'. I'm spending probably too much time on the accessories and safety elements, vs. the underlying invention (which is actually ready to produce and prototype); but I think my target market of parents would not appreciate the invention as much without the accessories. Also, I'd probably be at a more disadvantageous position from a product liability perspective without the accessories - this product liability issue is going to be a difficult road, I expect. There will be many design changes, marketing statements, tests and warning labels involved with the eventual product, to make sure I'm covered. To that end, I think I'm ready to be an 'LLC'; but I hesitate to do that, until I get at least a little justification and acceptance from testing the early prototypes (to see if they will actually sell).
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