(36) Live Animal Testing
It's a pretty strange coincidence of the marketplace, actually, where I'm on the verge of producing a product with very broad appeal to the human stroller set, and here comes a product from the folks at "Kittywalk", strollers for pets. No, my invention isn't dangerous or anything, but I'd certainly looking forward more to doing the first bunch of extreme obstacle course testing with "Puffy", than with "Meghan". Cats don't need juice boxes, nosewipes or timeouts. Also, little chance of product liability concerns from the Focus Group, or the eventual customers. Very funny advertising, to be sure, is in store.
It's all a bit tongue-in-cheek, of course, but I actually have a whole new market (albeit not necessarily as large) for the product, with few liability concerns...after I hook up with a product liability lawyer (which is coming soon, because I really do need to test and sell the product for kids), I'll have more information with which to gauge how soon I target the kiddie parents vs. the kittie parents.
Note to animal-lovers: relax, no animals have been or will be harmed or mistreated in the filming of this episode - unless Meghan drops her lolly on them, and somebody gets a haircut.
I will have the first completely assembled, working prototype this weekend! However, a couple of tweaks are still necessary to satisfy the final testing platform - so it'll take another week for the prototype manufacturer to run a new set of the prototypes, with the CAD changes. Then me, Meghan AND Puffy will be stylin' with our pimped-out strollers (see her un-stylin' stroller at www.slingwheels.com). You'll be able to watch the action, live, down in Corolla in a couple of weeks (our annual beach trip); perfect testing environment for the product. Photos and complete product description/benefits will still not be generally available (outside the focus group), until I'm satisfied I have a product that will sell, and am ready to sell an initial limited run - perhaps by the end of the Summer.
Look for my report from the JPMA exposition in a couple of weeks; I'm not showing, just scoping the "pimp my stroller" competition (and possible partners/distributors)!
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